Ambflex Sistemas de Contenção Ambiental is a company headquartered in Curitiba and has extensive experience in products for the prevention, preparation, management and response to emergencies involving dangerous and polluting products.
Concern with good production practices, quality management and environmental issues are in the DNA of Ambflex, a company that manufactures a complete line of containment basins, essential in logistics routines, in order to avoid the spillage of chemical products.
Not by chance, today, Ambflex has ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications, which makes our position with regard to ecology and complete and efficient quality management even more evident. These certifications represent, respectively, the quality of business processes and operations and environmental quality, demonstrating our concern and compliance with the highest standards of quality and environmental management, thereby benefiting our employees, customers and society as a whole.
The process started with a series of inspections, preparation of reports, balance sheets and other documents sent to ISO so that the organization could evaluate them and issue certifications to Ambflex.
This attitude only proves the concern with good production practices and care for the environment, flags defended by Ambflex that are widely evidenced both in the type of product manufactured by it, as well as in all its processes developed.
As a result, Ambflex is now seen as an even greater reference in terms of strategic and operational management, raising the level of quality management, the company’s productivity rates, the technical quality of our employees and, most importantly: SATISFACTION OF THE CUSTOMER.

IBAMA’s Certificate of Regularity is the certificate that attests that the company’s data are in legal compliance with the obligations related to the activities under the control and supervision of the body. The certificate is provided for in Normative Instruction No. 6 of 2013.
Environmental legislation requires that every company that is potentially polluting and that uses environmental resources has a certificate proving the regularity of its activities. One of these certificates is the IBAMA Regularity Certificate.
Making Brazil giant by nature itself, helping companies to protect the smiling and beautiful fields to have more flowers, and our forests to have more life.
To be a national reference in containment devices against leaks of chemical products.
The environment, our biggest reason. Ethical integrity, sustainability, respect for commitments, creation of value for the customer and innovation
Furthermore, among our values, we can highlight that:
– We conquer our customers every day as we understand their needs and offer solutions in order to satisfy them and thus exceed all their expectations.
– We conduct our processes with total transparency to the client.
– We take the initiative, acting with courage and integrity in everything we do for the environment.
– We constantly invest in our team to strictly comply with all environmental standards in order to avoid possible accidents.
– We always look for excellent results properly balanced.
– We are agile in making decisions that may impact the customer and the environment.
Always based on these guidelines, we hope to grow together with our entire circle of relationships, from employees to our end customers.