Corresponding to a set of good environmental, social, and governance practices, ESG is something that currently moves the entire market. Thus, it is necessary to be aware of ESG trends in 2023: if in 2022 the percentage of companies with sustainability strategies was 69%, this year promises growth in this number.
Given the understanding of the common health – people and environment – as an extremely urgent issue to achieve good results in a business, ESG practices are a concern that occupies a good deal of time in the organization and planning of leaders in Latin America.
ESG Trends in 2023
If in 2022 the discussions around the theme promoted incisive approaches as a means of pressuring companies and industries to take a more categorical position, the ESG trends in 2023 are aimed primarily at action. See:
– The carbon issue – among the targets decided at COP27, that of limiting global warming to 1.5°C by 2100 is something that impacts the choice of companies, services, and products. This is only the first step of many that will be taken from now on;
– A cleaner production chain – monitoring the entire production chain of a company is greatly simplified due to the advancement of blockchain, so ensuring a more environmentally friendly process is a matter of time, mainly due to international pressures;
– More gender equality – reducing gender inequality is one of the ESG trends in 2023 that should lead the actions, after all, in Brazil, only 15.5% of the seats on the Boards of Directors are occupied by women. Even so, female representation is something that has been gaining momentum over the last 5 years and
– Better working conditions – rethinking the working conditions is something that never ends, however, with the pandemic, a great part of the work relations have been rethought, such as the flexibilization of working hours and the inclusion of other benefits – all with the intention of keeping people more motivated.
Although these four axes appear as the main trends of the ESG in 2023, it is important to remember that other principles should also be equally respected, such as: eliminating forms of forced labor, supporting collective freedom, encouraging practices that eliminate discrimination, disseminating socio-environmental responsibility, and others.
Importance of sustainable practices in companies and industries
By aiming to restructure the management of companies, ESG trends in 2023 are thought to:
Promote the interaction between customers and businesses;
Improve the availability of resources;
Encourage investments;
Apply governance actions aligned to the bases of human rights and the environment;
Expand sustainable actions, reaching operationality and defining new behaviors.
Thus, ESG trends in 2023 should point not only to a more profitable path for your business, but a policy that is fully aligned with real purposes and values that support diversity, technology, circular economy, smart cities, and the energy transition.